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gud game

fun game i like it 


looks really cool. makes me think of teardown but better

(1 edit)

I tried to play it on a device without gyroscope, and I could see the video but now I own one with gyroscope, but it doesn't show video for some reason. Maybe it was an update or this device. POCO X3 Pro.

( update 1 year later: I am stupid, it was for VR devices)


I hope the creator is okay. The last update was 173 days ago. Maybe they're just busy with work or making a big update of some kind. With COVID and everything going on, too many people have been lost or had a life changing illness.  A lot of my coworkers had to bury people this year. :(

Wishing you all the best. Stay safe out there everyone.


I think they are alright! I just checked the steam page and there is a scheduled release date now for the game.


Hey, the game is still in development. We have actually have a release date now for the Steam and AppLab version of the game (Nov 3rd).

The itch version will probably be rebranded as a demo version or something along the lines.


That's great to hear. Glad  you're okay too. Wasn't joking when I said a handful of my co-workers have had COVID-19 related deaths or serious illnesses in their families. I get a little paranoid now when I don't hear from someone in a while. :(

This was really fun, I really loved the attention to details like slicing plants, and the immersive interactions (eating food, putting away your weapon to climb ladders). I also like that it runs smoothly, as you would hope given the simple graphics.

Just want to say though, it crashed after about half an hour of playing (SteamVR version with an Index).

(1 edit)

Hi! Only just started playing the free beta. The graphics feel wonderful, but felt motion sickness after 5-10min using smooth movement, I had to stop. I feel ok when doing slow moves, but soon as I start speeding bleeerrr... 🤢 I will try with teleport to see if better. 

But it looks real fun! I hope there is a co-op mode in the final version 😊

Keep up your amazing work!

I feel like im the only one here rn who doesnt get motion sick, im a wizard!

I don't if I set the smooth turning speed to the highest setting. If it's a slow turn, I'll vomit. Super fast turn? No problem.

(1 edit)

hello, fellow motion sickness wizard

cant wait til my Oculus Quest 2 arrives, cuz this looks worth playing tbh

I'm not able to select a controller because once it gets to that screen the controllers are registered as if they are on the ground.


can i play without vr

it's VR onl

oh D;

(1 edit) (+2)

I played it for a bit and I really love this!

Edit: I have now bought the 20$ version we wait and be hyped!

The game looks and feels amazing! I got motion sickness after 15 min of play even I played hours of Walking Dead S&S, but maybe I had a bad day. I will definitely test it again

Any update? Am curious.


Dude - this is awesome. Can't wait to see how far you can take this.


Great game, now it just needs multiplayer


Among the best VR game so far! Easely in my top 5! I cant wait for the full game! Thanks and keep up the great work there!


I can't wait for the full release! Having a lot of fun with just the demo


This little gem has been a great way to break in the new VR setup!  Well done.


Looking forward to trying this!


Dude what if bow and arrow


I want magic spells


Definitely one of the coolest VR games ive played so far

I cant move with the Reverb G2. I tryed all 4 presets but I cant move. 

But I can swing my sword, or shoot my dagger. Works fine. But Movement dosnt work for me. Any tips how to solve it? 


Hey, someone else on the discord with a G2 has the same issues. I sadly don't have a G2 to test the game with, but I have added some G2 bindings for the next update, which should hopefully come out this week (I don't know if they'll work though). 

Hey, thanks! I downloaded it again and now it works!! 

This is a great game, I played through all the demo content. Update 0.8.2 fixed a lot of bugs. There is only one complaint - no other game makes my controllers lose positional tracking so often (Quest 1). Sometimes it helps to pause the game by going to the system menu (holding down the Oculus button) and then back to the game, but 2 times I had to restart the headset to restore tracking. I play other fast moving games (Beat Saber, In Death, 11 Table Tennis) and this never happens. Actually I got to the end of demo content just using the knife in the left hand, cause my right hand was stuck ;)

(1 edit)

Ugh. I wanted to but could not continue playing because of motion sickness from the joystick movement.

@ErThu Please, please, please consider adding an optional setting for users, when moving the joystick, to experience a very gradual slide up to the target speed (as well as when it's not tilted: back down to standing still). Just a 0.5-second gradual speed ramp up/down would most likely do it for me, although potentially up to 1 second would be helpful just in case. Right now it feels like 0.1s, if that, and it's intolerable; I'm still reeling, half an hour later after trying it.

Adding this + a slide up/down to the target speed for rotating the camera with the other joystick would be super-useful, too. Please add these two sliders to the beta before going commercial so I can test them and see if I will still experience MS. Thank you so much!! It's such an amazing beta otherwise!! I love how so much can be interacted with, even the shopkeeper in fatal ways, lol.


Hey Keron, 

Adding a slow gradual movement setting should actually not be too much work. b0.9 will have that feature, I'll put it on my todo list!

I was actually wondering about also having a max-speed slider, because I feel like the character moves slightly too fast for me when the joystick is pressed all the way. But the gradual ramp up/down would be way more critical if only one of these could be done. Thank you so much!!


Finally had some extra money. Went ahead and linked my Steam account then bought the game here. Very much looking forward to it being released on Steam. Love this game.

Question: Does the throwing dagger throw direction still depend on where you're looking? Still 100% worth the money, even if it does.


This is one of the best VR games I've ever played. It has a simple but extremely fun and rewarding combat/upgrade system that just gets better with each update. The developer is very active and seems to really care about the community's suggestions. I will definitely be buying this game as soon as it comes out on Steam.

10/10 Highly Recommended

This is just a really fun rogue like. I really it when you get a good upgrade set (fairly common in this game).

Tried the pcvr version but it doesn't seem to have a main menu at all. It lets me choose my controller type (Which I'm using Index) then I'm stuck in a black void only able to hear the games music. Tried fixing my play space and reinstalling but I think pcvr is missing files or something.

Try deleting your save data and start over again. Press "Windows Key + R" and type in %appdata%. Press enter, go back to Roaming -> LocalLow -> ErThu -> Ancient Dungeon and delete the SaveData file. Be sure to have both controllers connected when you load the game, it might cause issues otherwise

My son has a similar problem if you can help. He is playing on the Rift S.  The game loads black screen. The items and pickup menu moves from bottom of the screen all the way to the top over and over any time you bring the screen up.  You can see your hands and if you hold the trigger the knives come out.  Everything else is black.  We have tried deleting the savedata.  We have also uninstalled and reinstalled. 

Try to download the updated version of the game in an hour when it releases, it should hopefully fix the issue you are experiencing!


multiplayer someday?

This game is absolutely amazing! I can't stop playing! Everytime I go into a new dungeon or start New Game + something new happens, no matter how many times I play, it will never get boring.


This game gives me worse motion sickness than any other games I've played including multiple flight sims and other locomotion games like Half Life:Alyx. I absolutely cannot play it.




(2 edits) (+1)

I played on Oculus Quest and can tell this game is pretty good! The Beta version is too short for the moment to play more than few hours, but there is a strong fondation for something great. It gives me the same feeling as Delver.

Game was honestly awesome waiting for more floors

This game is so much fun to play and kinda hard at the same time and i cant wait to play it more!!!

Hey can you make a non VR version of this game. I believe there could be people who would love to  play it on non VR

neat game though i wonder will the steam version be free to play or will it cost money

Played the beta, really want to buy it now. Any chance for a native linux build or failing that support for proton?

Hey, not sure if I can support linux, I haven't looked into that but I will look into it in the future

Thanks for the honest answer. I still bought the game. If you ever need a tester, I would be happy to help.

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